I am a qualified..
Coach and Consultant with deep experience
in building and leading global teams.
My special interests lie in working with
Executives and leadership teams,
helping them to collaborate
effectively and find
new solutions to
strategic and
I am professionally trained...
in a range of HR Development tools
and products, such as Experiential
Leadership Development, Coaching,
Culture/Organizational Development,
Team Development, Team Management System (TMS), Effective Communication, Facilitation and Moderation. Coupled with experience in Strategy Development as well as Project and Change Management.
I am passionate about...
creating an environment of trust where new ways of thinking and acting can emerge. To make the invisible visible is key to successful change and a clear focus of mine. I am keen to challenge and nurture my clients both through cognitive and experiential learning approaches.
I have led...
large global teams in the financial services industry - both in the core business as well as in the field of Learning & Development acting as the Group Learning Officer of a Global Reinsurer.
I hold...
more than twenty years of international corporate experience gained in a number of leadership roles in HR/Talent Development and Reinsurance. My special expertise lies in assessing and auditing Corporate Universities and Business Schools.
I find it energizing..
to explore new territories and leaving my comfort zone. In my spare time I enjoy visiting classic, jazz and pop concerts.
I am a Certified Coach with Hephaistos Coaching Centre, Munich and OD Consultant and graduated as a Swiss Certified Insurer with Federal Diploma of Professional Education and Training.